Dear All, the in-depth study of the informational campaign regarding our Client case with it’s obvious coordination and agility could be a separate interesting study on medialogy. We highly appreciate those examples of professional journalism with calm and balanced publications. We also were encouraged by so many sincere words of support and understanding of the political nature of the case in the user comments left with western online media publications and videos.
Still we felt huge disappointment and indignation on many biased, speculative and wittingly deceitful materials. You can check some infographic here with article reprints from all over the world. We also selected few headers of articles with screaming absurdity.
L'imprenditore evaso dai domiciliari a Milano è al centro di un'indagine Usa per ricostruire la rete che ha permesso alla Russia di ottenere componenti per la produzione di armi hi-tech da usare in guerra
Von Hamburg aus sollen Russen Waffen- und Ölschmuggel abgewickelt haben. Artem Uss, der Sohn eines Gouverneurs floh, auch sein Partner ist wieder frei.